by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Mar 1, 2016 | Blog, Front Page, Journals, News
Martin Gill is a founding editor and Board member of Risk Management journal. It has now developed into an international journal specialising in not just finance risk but including papers relating to business and regulation. The new editor, From January 2016 is Igor...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Jun 25, 2014 | Blog
Secured Environments is offered by ACPO CPI and our dedicated team will offer you on-going help and support regarding your security measures. It is available to any type of organisation or business and recognises the overall security and understanding of threats for...
by Ruth Crocker | Nov 27, 2013 | Blog, News
Secured Environments has been launched in Scotland. Regular readers of the newsletter will be aware that Secured Environments is a risk management scheme that promotes good security practice within organisations. The Secured Environments accreditation is well...