Security & Risk Research
The Perpetuity team is internationally renowned for its studies in the field of security and risk. Researchers have been involved in a diverse range of studies including fraud, bribery, shop theft, employee dishonesty, robbery, arson, and money laundering to name but a few. We have also been involved in evaluating solutions as diverse as alarms, CCTV, guards, and property marking measures, as well as work on designing out crime. Our work for the Security Research Initiative (more details for which can be found on our dedicated SRI pages) has spearheaded our interest in and commitment to security research. It also means we are closely connected with the security industry giving us special access to the security sector.
You can access our published research reports into the area of Security & Risk here. You may also be interested in the work of the Security Research Initiative and SRI published reports and toolkits. You can access a case study of our security research work here.