by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Jun 30, 2017 | Blog, Front Page
Cybercrime is all over the news at the moment: in May, ransomware virus WannaCry affected more than 150 countries, attacked more than 300,000 computers and had major impacts on organisations such as the NHS, FedEx, a Chinese police force and the Russian...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Dec 6, 2016 | Blog, Front Page, News, Publications, Research, Uncategorized
Perpetuity Research have completed a study into the use of restorative justice with low level insurance fraudsters. This is the first known Restorative Trial focussing exclusively on this type of offender. The Trial was headed by the City of London Police working in...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Jan 30, 2015 | News
This series aims to address topics such as: Crime Control policing, security, theft, workplace violence and crime, fear of crime, civil disorder, white collar crime and anti-social behaviour. International in perspective, providing critically and...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Jun 2, 2014 | Blog, News
One of our associates, Dr Janice Goldstraw-White, will be giving two papers on June 2nd 2014 at the Portsmouth University Counter Fraud Conference. Paper 1: Accounting for crimes – an examination of the motivations, rationality and afterthoughts of convicted...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Apr 28, 2014 | Blog, Journals, News
This series aims to address topics such as: Crime Control policing, security, theft, workplace violence and crime, fear of crime, civil disorder, white collar crime and anti-social behaviour. International in perspective, providing critically and...